Web Optimization


A recap of the Digicon workshop
Part 1 of a 4-part series

Web optimization, or search engine optimization (SEO), is the process of increasing your website’s visibility to increase traffic and conversions, and it is the single most important thing you can do for your online presence. Google, the most popular search engine, will rank your website based on backlinks, page load times, keyword placement, and organic and paid search. Blue Edge Business Solutions owner Federico Cali recently taught part 1 of a 4-part series on the best practices of search engine optimization at the University of Georgia, and we will break down the key components of that workshop.

Build Quality and Relevant Backlinks

Link building is the process of getting other websites to link to yours and it is practiced by both large and small businesses. These links are important because they inform search engines that your website is valuable. Google considers links to be votes, and acquiring new links tells Google that your website is popular. However, for your backlinks to be useful, they must come from sites that are related to what you do. More votes for your site indicate increased credibility and, most likely, a higher ranking in relevant searches.

Web Page Loading Speed

Your website must provide a positive user experience. You could have the best content and the most beautiful images or videos, but if it takes too long to load, your bounce rate will increase and the content will not be read, affecting conversions and return visitors. Google recommends that your website load in three seconds or less. This can be achieved by compressing the uploaded media without sacrificing quality and by deferring all processes until after the website loads.

Paid Search Advertising and Analytics

Paid search advertising is an effective marketing strategy for businesses of all sizes, and it can provide an immediate return on investment. Paid advertisements increase search engine traffic to your site while also ensuring that this traffic is relevant. Using an analytical tool, you can streamline your ad campaign and perform A/B testing on different keywords to find the most effective campaign. A well-crafted ad campaign will place your ad at the top of or near the top of all other research results

Our Favorite Web Optimization Tools

Throughout the years, we have tested many available tools for SEO and are happy to share our favorites:

  • GTmetrix
    • GTmetrix will break down all processes happening in your website as it loads and advise steps needed to increase quicker load times.
  • SEMRush
    • SEMRush is great for finding keywords, search volume of keywords, and the difficulty of ranking for those keywords.
  • Google Ads & Google Analytics
    • Google Ads is a powerful advertising platform that will help your business be seen by customers when they are searching on Google for the things you offer.
    • Google Analytics will help you track and report on your website traffic as well as provide in-depth insights into your campaign efforts.

Our creative team at Blue Edge Business Solutions helps clients around the world with their SEO needs. We strive in providing excellence in everything we do, whether a small or big project, the Blue Edge Business team will be available for any questions you may have. Call us today for a consultation!


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